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SMS & Compliant Policy

Consent to SMS

Please fill out the following form.

Please indicate your preference for receiving text message notifications from us below:

Compliant Policy:

Text messaging is a convenient and efficient way to communicate with our clients. To ensure our compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), we have developed the following text messaging policy:

1. Consent: We will obtain prior express consent from the customer before sending text messages.

2. Opt-Out: We will provide customers with a clear and conspicuous opt-out option for text messages.

3. Frequency: We will send text messages only at a frequency that is reasonable and necessary to provide the services requested.

4. Content: We will provide accurate and non-misleading messages, and we will not include any telemarketing messages or other promotional content unless we have received prior express consent.

5. Identification: We will clearly identify ourselves as the sender of the text message.

6. Cost: We will inform customers of any message and data rates that may apply.

7. Protection of Information: We will protect the confidentiality and security of all customer information that we obtain for the purpose of sending text messages.

8. Record Keeping: We will maintain accurate records of customer consent and opt-out requests for at least four years.

9. Compliance: We will monitor and comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding text messaging, including but not limited to, the TCPA and the CAN-SPAM Act.

We reserve the right to modify this policy from time to time as deemed necessary. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our text messaging policy, please contact us at 469-334-2202.

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